Stirling Dohne ram sale result tough going
By Kristin Murdock Stock & Land
*13 of 28 rams sold to $3000, av $1577
THE top ram at Stirling Dohne stud’s Glenthompson sale has headed to an interstate buyer.
The ram – Lot 52 – sold to regular client, Steve Slape, Furner, SA, for $3000.
The sale averaged $1577 with 13 of the 28 rams offered sold.
Lot 25 had a micron of 18.8 and an impressive Dohne Index Value of 165.34.
The most recent meat actual body weight for Lot 25 was 72 kilograms.
Mr Slape said he was impressed with the Stirling Dohnes which he put across 2000 ewes.
“In our area, we have the same amount of cloudy days as the Stirling stud in Victoria,” he said.
“This has been an important factor in choosing to use the stud’s rams.”
Stirling stud principal Murray Rogerson said it had been a challenging year for breeding, particularly Dohnes, in a region not known for the breed.
“Our rams have had remarkably good feet so far,” Mr Rogerson said.
“The grass is growing quick and Dohnes are generally a dry-country sheep.
“We haven’t lost a client in five years, this is due to the suitability for our sheep for this area.
“We aim for a consistent growth rate at a slow pace.”
He said he carried out around 100 embryo transfers a year to breed “wet-country” Dohnes.
“It’s a tough market for sales at the moment,” he said.
“The wool market is desperately low.”
Volume buyers included Coad Pastoral, Geelong, who went away with four rams, while two rams headed across to Tasmania.
The sale was facilitated by Nutrien, and Nutrien stud stock agent Stephen Chalmers said it had been a tough year.
“But buyers are always willing to pay for the better end and Murray continues to breed quality rams,” Mr Chalmers said.